Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Zeke Passes On

Enzo's gerbil, Zeke, went on to the big wheel in the sky on Monday. We found him when Enzo went in to get ready for bed. Enzo asked right away, "does he have water, did I forget to fill it?" I felt so bad for him.

It brought up a lot of questions. Enzo wondered if he had done everything he could have for Zeke.

Earlier in the day, we were eating lunch in the kitchen and there was a big fly buzzing around. Enzo opened the window and the slider to try to let it out. Shortly after we heard it again and saw that a spider had it by one wing. I thought it would be interesting to watch, kind of Discovery Channel at home, boy was I wrong! I thought spiders killed their prey right away, injecting venom or something, apparently not the case. That fly fought till the end. Enzo was so upset he left the room at one point. Then he was crying on the way to school saying "I should have killed the spider." I told him the spider had a right to live too....described the food chain...

Then later that day we found Zeke. It's a tough lesson.

We looked into getting another gerbil to live with Zeke's partner, Gus. But apparently Gus will defend his territory and not welcome in a new housemate.

So...we'll see how it goes with Enzo's first grieving...

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